
Medical Weight Loss

Mental Health & Wellness Practice located in Allentown, PA

Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss services offered in Allentown, PA

Losing weight isn’t easy, especially when trying to do it alone. At Lehigh Valley Wellness in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Stephen McCarthy, PA-C, understands that the proper support can help you reach your medical weight loss goals. Whether you need help creating a healthy diet or would benefit from hormone therapy, you can find weight loss solutions tailored to your needs. Call Lehigh Valley Wellness or book an appointment online today to learn more about medically supervised weight loss services. Telemedicine services are also available.

What are medical weight loss services?

To help you achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, Lehigh Valley Wellness offers supervised medical weight loss services, including weight evaluations, exercise recommendations, and nutritional counseling.


The mental health and wellness practice also provides hormone therapy services, which may help to boost your metabolism, burn fat, control your appetite, and improve your sleeping patterns.

Why should I consider medical weight loss?

Being overweight or carrying excess weight puts a lot of stress on your joints, heart, and other body parts. This constant pressure increases your risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and chronic pain.


By losing just a tiny percentage of your body weight, you can significantly reduce your risk for these conditions. You’ll also enjoy more energy and a higher level of self-confidence.


Schedule a medical weight loss consultation if you carry excess weight but struggle to lose weight through diet and exercise. Medically supervised weight loss can also help you continue to shed unwanted pounds if you plateau on your current weight loss program.

What happens during the initial medical weight loss consultation?

To better understand your health needs, Lehigh Valley Wellness spends time reviewing the many factors that influence your weight, including:


  • Personal medical history
  • Family medical history
  • Mental health and emotional health
  • Exercise routines
  • Eating habits
  • Employment and other lifestyle factors


They also perform a physical exam to evaluate the strength and flexibility of your joints, muscles, and spine. This helps to identify issues that might be interfering with healthy weight loss.

What can I expect from a medical weight loss program?

Once Lehigh Valley Wellness understands your medical weight loss goals and motivation for losing weight, they customize a treatment plan that supports safe weight loss. This may also include hormone therapy to address any underlying conditions hindering weight loss.


They also help you formulate a healthy diet plan that limits refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats and includes more unprocessed whole foods. They also recommend exercises you can do daily for at least 30 minutes to enhance your blood circulation and burn fat.


Get ready to be a healthier you. Call Lehigh Valley Wellness to schedule a medical weight loss consultation or book an appointment online today.